Salaamedia | 23 November 2018
The Vaal Muslim Women’s Forum (VMWF) this week hosted their third gala luncheon for women employed as domestic helpers in the region. The idea was inspired by a similar initiative hosted by the Middleburg Women’s Forum some time back.
Hawa Patel, representing the VMWF, told Salaamedia that the luncheon has become a means of improving employer/employee relations. “It’s an opportunity for employers to express their appreciation for the work done by domestic helpers. Sometimes we take for granted the work people do. This is the one time we appeal to the community to show their appreciation.”
According to Mrs Patel, the event also created an opportunity for employers and employees to interact in an informal and relaxed setting. “We sit around a table and share the pampering together. “
Racism has been trending topic in South Africa and much of it continues to live on in the hearts and minds of people despite 24 years of political democracy. “We were brought up in apartheid,” said Mrs Patel. “We were taught that everyone is different. We were taught to eat from different plates, to live differently. And with time the ignorance will be erased. Domestic helpers actually spend more time with you than your friends and even family.
At the event, which is strictly for ladies only, all the attendees came dressed up to the hilt, and enjoyed the social activities of the day. Several employers have received lovely thank you notes and messages expressing the joy of the day according to Mrs Patel.