With the 2019 National Elections creeping ever so close Salaamedia hosted a town hall debate at the Bazme Adab Hall in Actonville, Benoni on Friday 29th of March 2019, the debate was between the three top political parties and adversaries the ANC represented by Gauteng provincial executive member Craig Cornish, the DA represented by Abdul Razak Noorbhai, PR councillor in the City of Jo’burg and M.P Nazier Paulsen representing the EFF. The debate was facilitated by political analyst Phapano Pasha and MCed by Salaamedia presenter Inayet Wadee . the debate was an opportunity for the people of Benoni and surrounding areas to hear and query first-hand the political party representatives of some of their plans of action should they be elected into power In the upcoming elections and some of their positions and solutions mainly on issues such as corruption, state capture, crime and Israel-Palestine relations .