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Role Models and Their Impact on the Youth

by Thaabit Kamaar


In the different spheres of their lives, whether at home, school or madrasa, young adults observe and embrace thoughts and ideas, shaping their principles and values.

Many societal factors are prone to influence the behaviour and values of the youth. Like a sponge, they tend to absorb every bit of information and ideas which play a part in their personal, mental and spiritual development.

During their lives, our youth look for like-minded people with the same interests and with whom they feel most connected. Often this can be social media personalities, parents, religious leaders, celebrities, social peers and even athletes. They begin to idolise such individuals based on their lives, their successes and the challenges they overcame.

Moulana Luqmaan Flashman said values and morality are something we are born with. As we get older, we are exposed to different people with different values. When we meet someone who speaks to a certain viewpoint or passion we have, it is only human to move towards said person.

“The importance of taking good role models and keeping the company of those people who are righteous is that it affects your entire being. If you look at the contemporary examples, some people were at the bottom of the barrel, the worst of the worst in terms of society. When they kept the company of good people, they reached great heights. So, the importance of keeping good role models is that it affects you as an individual. There are certain levels [in life] we can’t reach on our own.”

Even though there are numerous benefits to having role models whom we emulate, whom we aspire to become like and who motivate us, the only problem is the reverse is just as likely to happen. They can influence negatively.

The Impact of Role Models

Our youth today are under so much pressure, whether from themselves or others. Most of the time, our understanding of their lives and struggles is limited.

However, social media has opened various doors in communication, leading to community building and friendships. It makes it easy for young adults to communicate, observe and learn from people they respect.

Individuals struggling with various difficulties often gravitate towards people who overcame similar life challenges. These people are usually public figures, athletes, celebrities and social media personalities whose lives are easily accessible.

This same concept can be applied to individuals following similar aspirations and career paths. By walking in the footsteps of others, people are more likely to know the way forward more quickly and efficiently.

As good as some of these famous people are at inspiring and motivating the youth, not all make for good role models. Some promote lifestyles and behaviour which go against Islamic teachings. So, how can one safeguard themselves from negative influence?

Ml Flashman said, “The best defence against an evil role model is a good role model. When you have a good influence in your life, it helps repel the evil influence. When you have someone guiding you towards good morals and values, intrinsically, it acts as a defence against evil.”

Therefore, as Muslims, it becomes essential for our youth to think critically about the messages they receive from people and evaluate if they are ideal role models or not.

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Setting a Good Example for Young Muslims

As Muslims, we are taught to constantly strive towards becoming like Prophet Muhammed (saw), to adopt his personality traits, mannerisms, speech and actions and apply them to our everyday lives.

Islam places a great deal on an individual’s character. The Quran and Sunnah possess guidelines detrimental to self-development from a young age. This, in turn, puts a tremendous amount of responsibility on Muslim adults, parents and members of society to ensure Islamic values are embedded within our youth.

Ml Flashman said, when adults strive to be better in their lives and do good, it will automatically affect those around them. He adds that the Prophet (saw) had a similar effect on the lives of his companions and those around him.

“The best way for Muslim adults to become good role models is to become good Muslims. The thing about sincerely striving to be a good person and doing good is that it’s contagious. If someone sees another person trying to do good, it has a contagious effect. Naturally, it spreads without that person even trying.”

How do we set good examples? By learning and teaching through every development stage an individual goes through. By embodying Islamic values, we tend to teach young adults not through discourse but through action. When we cement the foundation of Islamic values in our youth, it leaves less room for outside influence to build upon.

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