Rana Alshami is a correspondent for Salaamedia in Gaza. These are her personal voice notes to her editor, Azhar Vadi, about the struggles she faces in Gaza.
13 October 2016
Assalamualykum Azhar
I will start my article to you by saying this: Gaza has become an impossible place to live in. The children have lost their sense of childhood and think like adults. Youth have lost their future and women are struggling and suffering day by day.
The UN reports have said that the social, health and security indications, the high demographic growth and over population are among the factors that may make Gaza uninhabitable by 2020.
Electricity in Gaza is getting worst and complicating the problems. I feel scared when hearing such news and living this way. I’m looking for a safer place for my family, my son and my future.
I’m afraid because unemployment rates may increase and exceed the limits making the situation worse and worse and more miserable.
The shortage of electricity is affecting our education. One student says we don’t have electricity at home. We have to go outside where electricity is working. We study out and then go back home. During the exam season you can find the students studying outside, in restaurants, parking and even in the street. This is because of the misery of the blackout in Gaza.
I personally experience this daily. I was staying outside until I revised for my exams. And now I’m a wife. But I can do nothing without electricity. I can’t cook, wash the clothes or read a book. I used to sleep in the dark and wake up without electricity. It only comes for a very few hours. Imagine yourself living in such a situation. Just put yourself in our shoes, just feel our suffering.
Gaza electricity is reduced to two hours a day. Because of the electricity many people have died. Most of them were children. Because of what? Because the electricity is out! Because they are using candles in homes and they are losing their souls!
The Gaza Strip has been suffering from the Israeli blockade since 2007 when Hamas took over. Gaza has seen three wars in 6 years. Who can bear it? And you are still under a blockade.
We are human, like you. Gaza is bleeding day and night because the war is still watching us. Gaza resists in order to exist. Gaza simply asks to live in peace.
Gazans are living a complicated reality. They can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel that might end their suffering.
From Rana