Zahid Jadwat | 5/3/2020
The state of education in South Africa was brought in the spotlight once again as it was discussed on The Special Focus this week. One of the concerns raised was the lack of efficient transportation for learners.
In South Africa, education has been praised, encouraged and respected. This is due to the fact that many South African parents come from a previously disadvantaged background and were never granted access to a decent education.
However, despite the praise, the real issues challenging the education system and schooling in South Africa were exposed for what they are when a team of activist cyclists embarked on a long and arduous journey from Musina in Limpopo to Chatsworth in KZN for this year’s #Ride4Education campaign.
“On this particular ride, we met learners in the Vryheid area. Many of them live in a dump yard. Everyday, after school they go and forage for something to eat in the left overs of other people’s rubbish.” said Azhar Vadi, the CEO of Salaamedia and the Salaam Foundation who is also an education activist.
Vadi highlighted the fact that inefficient public transport also contributes towards challenges in the education system.
“There were learners who walk 10kms to school and 10kms back from school. In a week, it’s 100km and in a month it’s 400km. That’s 4000-odd kilometers in a year.
“A learner is supposed to come energized to school. Mentally alert [and] ready to absorb and to learn. [But] they’ve got to walk 10kms to school because there’s no transport system.” Vadi added.
You can listen to the full discussion around education in South Africa and our readiness for the 4th Industrial Revolution via the link below. Other episodes can be found on any major podcast sites and apps.
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