Home PodcastJulie Alli Well-wishes pour in for ‘selfless’ Hafeez Fareed Akoojee whilst he battles COVID-19 in hospital

Well-wishes pour in for ‘selfless’ Hafeez Fareed Akoojee whilst he battles COVID-19 in hospital

by Umamah Bakharia

Madressah teacher and humanitarian, Hafeez Fareed Akoojee is currently in hospital due to COVID-19, but he is in the prayers of community members who applauded him for his sincerity.

“I asked myself, how much have we as a community appreciated a person who was a true doer in our community and continues to serve the propagation of Islam to children, support Da’ees in the indigenous communities [through] the best he can and does what you would refer to as street dawah,” said one of the trustees at Awqaf, Shiraz Gani, in a message that was shared widely on WhatsApp.

Hafeez Akoojee resides in Marlboro and teaches at Masjid-ud-Duha madressah in Sandton. He and his wife run an organization – ‘Two Lights Foundation’ – through which they do charity work. They have a bakery project running in Syria, which aims at providing bread to people working on the ground.

Gani recalls Hafeez Akoojee distributing tons of dates every Ramadan throughout the country where required.

According to Gani, he was touched by the knowledge Hafeez Akoojee instilled in his children – particularly when he witnessed his young daughter making Zikr that was taught to her in madressah and his son making additional dua after salah for the health of his teacher.

“The children have love and appreciation for him without judgment as he has shown them respect and has taught them to practice deen,” he said.

Hafeez Akoojee is constantly looking for ways to introduce people to Islam and would walk in Sandton Mall just trying to educate whoever he could, hoping to bring them to the fold of Islam.

“He has been imparting his own knowledge of deen, sacrificing his time with his family and their needs and overlooking opportunities for financial gain to serve the deen for the pleasure of Allah,” Gani added.

Shiraaz Gani, community members and people who have been associated with Hafeez Akoojee wish to gift a water well in his name as water is a blessing from Allah (S.W.T) that purifies the body and soul, and giving water earns Allah’s Mercy.

Any funds collected over and above the borehole cost will be gifted for Hafeez Fareed as a Dawah Waqf which will be administered by Awqaf SA.

In gratitude for Hafeez Fareed’s contribution to Dawah, Social Welfare and Distribution of Quraans, AwqafSA trustees have gifted Hafeez Fareed an investment to the Quraan Waqf of which the income will contribute to printing and promoting the Quraan for those whose hearts are inclined in the interest of our faith.

We don’t have to wait for somebody to pass away to say what a good person he was, we should appreciate them while they are alive – Shiraz Gani, businessman and trustee at Awqaf SA

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