Home PodcastInayet Wadee Disability Rights Awareness Month: Activist says society needs to change its attitude

Disability Rights Awareness Month: Activist says society needs to change its attitude

by Zahid Jadwat

As South Africa observes the annual National Disability Awareness Month once again this November, activists say society needs to change its attitude towards people with disabilities.


Speaking to Salaamedia, Disability Researcher at the University of South Africa (UNISA) Professor Amina Sindile Ngubane, society needs to engage people with disabilities and change our attitude towards people with disabilities.


Prof. Ngubane said her experience with disabled people has taught her that they too have enhanced skills and abilities which are often ignored by the rest of society due to their condition.


“If we see them as people that have abilities, instead of focusing on the disability itself, then we will stop focusing on the disability and look at what are the different other knowledge skills that they have,” she said.


She explained that people need to have “honest” conversations with people with disabilities in order to change their attitudes towards them.
“The truth is that you will never know  how to accommodate a person with a disability until you have an honest conversation with the person themselves. We lack honest and authentic engagements with people with disabilities on who they are and how they feel in their societies and how would they like to be included,” she said.
Every year, between Nov. 3 and Dec. 3, South Africa observes National Disability Rights Awareness Month. Dec. 3 is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and is also celebrated as National Disability Rights Awareness Day.
Inayet Wadee spoke to Professor Amina Sindile Ngubane, a researcher at the University of South Africa (UNISA), on News & Views. Watch the full discussion here:

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