Nabeela Vadwalla | 17 May 2016
What to do after your name appears on the Hajj list?
Hajj is the compulsory obligation upon every mature sane Muslim male and female. It is the pilgrimage to the city of Makkah and its surrounds for a specified period of one once a year.
It is regarded as one of the Islamic pillars of faith. Usually it all begins with an intention to undertake the journey and a spiritual and economic build up get going.
The amount of pilgrims wanting to go far exceeds the space available and thus there is a regulator in place. The South African Hajj and Umrah Council has a process in place that allows a specific amount of Hujjaj to go per year.
So you have made an intention and you have received your accreditation for Hajj. What do you need to do to prepare for the journey of a lifetime.
The following tips were taken from, ‘Productive Muslim’ , with a few additions, and is based on sound research from persons who have already undertaken the journey of Hajj.
Before you travel
- Photocopy of all your official documents. Make extra copies of passports and photos.
- Keep both your national currency as well as Saudi Riyals in your wallet.
- Have your agent check in for all the bookings, hotels, foods, agreements beforehand.
- Ensure to pay all your dues. Also, pre-pay your monthly bills so you don’t fall behind.
Educate yourself and Rremain with the Learned
- Have the right mentality, otherwise you would find it very difficult to cope. Take one thing at a time, have the intention to please your Lord in the best way possible, and go with an open mind.
- Gain complete and authentic knowledge about each and every aspect of Hajj.
- Re-learn the basics of Islam: Those going for Hajj should make sure that they are performing Wudhu and Salah and perfectly.
- Familiarise yourself with the Hajj plan; don’t depend on the Imam to guide you on every little dua to recite or prayer to pray.
- Study the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Ibrahim [as] before you go.
- Read the book “Kitabul Hajj” by Maulana M.S Banoo. He guides very well along every step – both before and during Hajj.
- Be careful not to be involved incorrect practices.
- Remain with scholars who can explain the rituals correctly. Find a group that organizes daily motivational reminders & guidelines on how to practically perform the various rituals.
- Learn common Arabic vocabulary and phrases needed during Hajj so that it eases communication. The sign-boards there are also in Arabic and it becomes difficult to understand them.
Tips for productive Hajj gear
What to Wear:
- Wear comfortable, durable sandals or shoes.
- Keep in mind that you will put your slippers in a bag when you go to Masjid al-Haram. The floor of the haram is granite and may be hard on sensitive feet. Take a pair of home slippers or anything that has some padding to ease the hardness of the floor and pain on the feet.
- Keep a spare Ihram while in Mina in case it gets dirty.
What to Carry:
- Stay light. Keep your baggage to the essentials.
- Take empty plastic bottles with you when going to Masjid al-Haram so you can fill up Zamzam to take back to the hotel.
- Keep a light backpack for essential belongings you need to carry around: cash for the day, passport, small dua book, small Qur’an, packet of tissue paper, etc.
- Keep a lightweight prayer mat with you. It can be placed on your head to protect you from the heat and also shared with others whenever you have to pray in an area without rugs. (Note: For those with weak joints or bones, carry a padded prayer mat.)
- Carry a lightweight umbrella to shelter from the sun.
- Take a handheld fan.
- Take sunglasses.
- Pack some medical face masks.
- Take Vaseline to stop your legs from rubbing as there’ll be a lot of walking.
- Have some basic medicines on hand for cuts and bruises (which you may develop due to much walking.)
- Wet wipes are the life savior!
- Women, please bring a pair of scissors so that it is easy to cut your hair at the end of Hajj.
- Get yourself a mini Qur’an, a pocket-size Hajj guide, and a mini supplications book. Have your mp3 well sorted with Quran/duas/lectures; the journeys are long!
- Keep phones which have longer battery life; you may not find place to charge your smart phone in Arafah and Muzdalifah.
Washroom-Related Gear:
- There are mainly only squat/floor toilets at the Hajj sites. Rather than causing yourself undue hardship, wasting time, and risk ending up with unclean clothing for prayer, it is best for women to wear light cotton long underneath their outer garments. These can be easily lifted for bathroom visits and will be far more comfortable.
- Keep elastic bands for holding your pants and sleeves up when making Wudhu to prevent them from getting wet.
- Keep an emergency kit of plastic bags, small bottle (preferably squeezy, like a plastic ketchup bottle) of water for washing oneself and Wudhu, toilet paper, and even a small bucket or container if needed. This can be used for emergency bathroom needs and making Wudhu rather than standing for hours.
- Take (perfume-free) liquid soap rather than a bar which becomes difficult to re-package once wet.
Tips for Spiritual Productivity
- Learn relevant duas to be recited when doing Hajj.
- Do not just read from books but do dua from heart.
- Have a dua diary: keep a notebook or a diary with all the names of the people and their duas which they would like you to make for them.
- Plan ahead the conversation you will be having with your Lord! You will be prepared to converse and spill out what is in your heart to your Lord and weep to your heart’s content.
- Pray for the people that are working during Hajj for your safety. Make dua for the oppressed, including Muslims in Syria, Palestine, and Burma.
- Stay unplugged! Only keep a cell for emergency use, but stay AS FAR AWAY from your life back home as you can; You are among the select few whom Allah chose to visit His masjid.
- Do not get too distracted with all the shopping there as it is easy to do so and concentrate on the real reason you are there.
- Dear Hajji, don’t worry about your money, children, spouse, parents, brothers & sisters because you will be away. Just forget everything and do your Hajj faithfully and sincerely and Allah surely will keep them all safe. Feel your Hajj as it’s the first and last Hajj you will be able to do in your life because, generally, it’s not too easy to go to Hajj again.
- Simply submit yourself to Allah as the journey begins. That switch must be flipped instantly! That is the only way the physical challenges become unimportant and one can accept every challenge as food for the soul. Otherwise the entire journey is likely to be spent in fretting over meaningless daily hassles that can spoil such a great opportunity!
- Make talbiyah (reciting labbaik) throughout and keep in mind your purpose here: you are working for the Akhirah.
- Refrain from all and every kind of ‘bad talk’ (anger, hurtful words, slander, lies, etc.) from the moment that you have the intent to go on Hajj, from the days leading up to it till the day you leave, and every single day thereafter during Hajj.
- Because of the long periods of time without bathroom access and on buses, eat less. Say bismillah whenever you begin to do something and always make dua.
- Use the time in the mosque to complete the recitation and the meaning of the Qur’an.
- Ensure you maximize your time productively as much as you can in Arafat. If possible, try to get a space on a hill and keep to yourself in prayers as much as you can.
- Don’t waste time collecting pebbles in Arafah because it’s the most important day of the Hajj. Pebbles can be collected after reaching Muzdalifah.
- Take cereal bars and breakfast biscuits. Don’t bother with the fast food outlets in the malls. You will waste your time queuing and lose precious time you could use for ‘ibaadah.
- Don’t sleep between Ishraq and Zawaal. Make use of the time to pray Salat-ud-Duha.
- Take one bag of provisions and 10 bags of PATIENCE!
- Remind yourself this is a once in a lifetime opportunity so try to make the most of it..
- Ask Allah to give you strength, sabr, and ease throughout the entire journey, not just the five days of Hajj!
- Have tawakkul in Allaah.
- Make sure to leave your ego or temper at home before you travel to Hajj.
Purification & Reflection:
- Prepare your heart before you leave for Hajj. There is nothing worse than a hard heart!
- Exercise humility.
- Make istighfaar.
- If you have nothing good to say, then don’t say it.
- Take a journal along and keep a record of your Hajj trip, experiences, new friends, duas, resolutions, etc.
- Set your own spiritual targets, i.e., daily Qur’an recitation, Tafseer, Qiyam, etc.
- Plan ahead; except for the five daily prayers, what will be the other extra ‘ibaadat you can do in Hajj?
- While at Hajj, define your purpose in life. Set goals and a direction. You will have enough time to think.
Tips for Physical Productivity
- Be as fit as possible before you go. You will often find yourselves without transport for long stretches at a time, and it’s useful to get in a habit of walking a few months before you leave. You’ll find yourself less tired that way and have more energy for ‘ibaadah.
- Drink lots of water.
- Keep some healthy snacks because one can end up waiting several hours at the airport.
- Eat food that is nourishing and revitalizing. Take energy-filled granola bars with you on your trip. Always keep dates with you; best source of energy and nutrition.
- Do not waste food. Eat what will keep your back straight and do not over-indulge.
- Carry medicines and multi-vitamins in case someone falls ill.
- Get good sleep right from the beginning to keep your energy level up till the end.
- Get used to sleeping early and waking up early for night prayers a few months before Hajj.
Tips for Social Productivity
- Sympathize with fellow Hajjis. Never say no to (help) a fellow Hajji, and never criticize them for things they do.
- Put the next person above yourself. Put their rights before yours.
- Decide to do at least four new good deeds daily that you never used to do, e.g., help the needy, buy someone a meal, distribute glasses/bottles of Zamzam to others, support an elder when doing Tawaf, smile, forgive the one that hurts/angers you, etc.
- Keep small change nearby so that you can give to the poor and get reward from Allah .
- Arrange a bag of candies for kids you may meet. Take some money to gift it to kids at Eid time.
- If you are given money by relatives and friends as a token prior to the Hajj trip, donate the money in Mecca/Madinah to the needy instead of buying gifts for them. This way, both you and your relatives will get the reward of Sadaqah.
- Try to greet Muslim brothers/sisters from other countries as much as you can. Hajj is the largest meeting for the Ummah.
- When it is time to collect stones at Muzdalifah, try to collect extra. There are many you’d come across who would need them. Also some of the elders need help with collecting stones as well.
Be Organized
In Masjid al-Haram:
- If you see a lot of people making rows for prayer outside the masjid, do go further and try to get inside as there would normally still be space inside. Some Hajjis like to pray outside.
- When going for Salah, make sure to go a minimum of 1.5 hour before Salah time in order to secure your spot for prayer.
- Get to Jumuah prayer early – around 8 – 9 a.m.
- There are Zamzam reserves everywhere; no need to fight for the Zamzam straight after Tawaf. Look around for others.
- The Sa’ee has several floors; it may be best to perform it in the basement where it’s usually empty and cool.
In Mina, Arafah, and Muzdalifah:
- Avoid the rush and save your time by scheduling bathroom trips in Makkah, Mina, Arafah, and Muzdalifah between 1.5 to 2 hours before the prayer. These are the quietest times and you will be in and out in no time.
- When you reach Mina and settle down, just take a few friends with you out of the tent and get familiarized with the high rise/popular landmarks around and try to reach your tent from those points.
- Leave early morning towards Arafah on the day of Arafah; better walk than take a bus.
- Don’t leave Arafah before Maghrib athan. After the athan, leave Arafah and offer Salah of Maghrib and Isha in Muzdalifah.
- Jamarah (pelting stones) after Dhuhr is optimum as it’s not crowded.
- Do not go alone; always be in pairs or a small group.
- Avoid the ground floor in Jamarah; it’s very crowded and stampedes can occur.
- Choose who you are going to do your Hajj sacrifice with and then just be done with it.