Analysis | Humairaa Mayet
As Covid-19 spreads across the globe at an alarming rate, fake news follows suit. Tweets, email blasts, WhatsApp broadcasts, and voice notes have taken the world by storm, each more ludicrous than the last. These messages proffer cures, conspiracies, and false information about the transmission of the virus and the number of cases.
It is unclear as to what the initiators of these messages hope to gain. Often their claims are capitalistic in nature; people looking to make a profit by, for example, selling homemade masks, sanitizers, and even ointments and medicines. Many conspiracy theorists are taking advantage of the situation and using the current unsettled climate to push their own agendas. People have been spreading news about the origins of the virus, making claims that the coronavirus is manmade, blaming various governments and organisations such as the Chinese Communist Party, Zionist bankers, the American military and secret intelligence, and an array of terrorist organisations. Alarmists typically create these messages to arouse panic among the masses.
Fake news is incredibly harmful as people tend to unassumingly believe the majority of the messages they receive. Oftentimes after receiving these messages, they are sent to hundreds of others who forward them on until thousands, if not millions of people have seen the messages.
The South African government has attempted to stay on top of the fake news crisis, debunking myths and putting measures into place to ensure that those who spread fake news are brought to justice. Those who spread fake news could face jail time if caught.
Ensure that all news received is verified before forwarding it on.
Featured image from Google via Tehran Times.