Salaamedia | 25 February 2016
Human suffering knows no bounds. The horrific scenes of war spare no one. For the victims of these conflicts, daily life becomes an unending test.
For the rest of humanity, how we react to their suffering, is our test. Do we shrug our shoulders and walk away, do we shed a tear, do we make a silent prayer, do we get involved in trying to assist?
At Salaamedia we couple news and information with action and commitment. Following our recent coverage of the Syrian refugee crisis on the Turkish border, we have initiated a multi-phase campaign.
Phase 1 will include the collection of adult diapers and baby nappies to be shipped from South Africa to our coordinating partners, the IHH, in Turkey for distribution to paralysed Syrian refugees and kids.
We would like you to drop off a pack of adult diapers or kids nappies at one of the following drop off points.
In terms of global suffering, there is no crisis in the world that can match the needs of the Syrian people. Become part of the news and join hands with Salaamedia in touching people’s lives.
Visit the United Nation OCHA site for statistics on the Syrian humanitarian crisis.
Drop-off Points
Azaadville – 49 Kersuda Street, Marhaba Home School and Madressa, Appa Fehmida, 082 934 0189
Brits – 3 Tarentaal Street, Salimah Ahmed-Gutta, 084 205 6374
Benoni – BMCO Offices, 656 Soma Street, Engen Garage Complex, Actonville, Uncle Gora 084 421 6675
Benoni – Benoni Ladies Forum, 656 Soma Street, Engen Garage Complex, Actonville, Amina Bhabha, 084 521 9237
Erasmia / Laudium – 333 Van den Heever Street, Aisha Akoob, 012 370 3158 / 083 326 5425
Emmerantia/Greesnide – 274 Barry Hertzorg, Miriam Mia, 082 956 7464
Emmerantia/Greesnide – 22 Letaba Street, Somayya Motala, 083 650 0577
Fordsburg – 72 Central Road, Leeya’s Boutique, Sister Ruwayda, 011 838 2786
Heidelberg – 38 Sagar Street, Fatima Jeena, 063 114 2610
KZN Central collection point – 2 Supply Road, Springfield Park, Shiraz Randeree,082 068 5400
KZN Clairwood – Shaheda Jhazbhay, 072 378 6204
KZN Durban – Shaheda Jhazbhay, 072 378 6204
KZN Isipingo – Shaheda Jhazbhay, 072 378 6204
KZN Montclaire – Shaheda Jhazbhay, 072 378 6204
KZN Sherwood – Shaheda Jhazbhay, 072 378 6204
KZN Overport – Shaheda Jhazbhay, 072 378 6204
KZN Overport – Darul Furqan, Zaheera Rawat, 102 Sparks Road, 072 225 0717
KZN Westville – Shaheda Jhazbhay, 072 378 6204
KZN Westville – Yasmin Dadan, 6 Rhodes Avenue, 073 885 9172
Kimberley – 12 Nargis Crescent, Moghul Park, Moulana Hamza Jeena, 082 518 9669
Lenasia – 24 Mahanadi Avenue, Ext 11b, Tasneem, 084 599 7022
Lenasia – Masjid-e-Ashraf, Ext 11b, Moulana Yahya Bham, 082 816 7286
Lenasia – Islamic Helpline – 24 Cuckoo Ave, Ext 1, Summaya, 011 852 1930, 011 852 7242
Ormonde / Lakewood Estate – 1337 Falcon Crescent, Safiyya Daya, 072 217 5110
Makhado (Louise Trichard) – 57 First Street, Eltivillas, Razia Ayoob, 083 378 6896
Marlboro – 4 Tritoma Street, Habiba Saloo
Mayfair – 18 Queens Road, Kaashifa Jamal, 082 886 4604
Newcastle – 17c Berg Street, Sa’uda Asmal, 079 498 3479
Robertsham – Salaamedia offices, 74 Xavier Street, Shamsheer Khan, 081 717 2300
Robertsham – 8 Gorse Road, Munira Akhalwaya, 076 740 4232
Roosevelt Park – Faaiza Abrahams, 084 207 7720
Roshnee – 18 Sedson Street, Miriam Chamda, 072 146 6211
Roshnee – VMWF Offices, 5 Zam Zam Street, Hawa Patel, 082 920 0773
Rustenburg – Zarina Kathrada 072 132 7600, Nadia Dhudia 082 404 1992
Pietermaritzburg – 14 Burnside Road, Mountain Rise, Farzana Essa 083 628 7786 / 033 387 1694
Polokwane – Nirvana Meat Market, Bariqal Amal – Rashida Jacob, 078 617 7868
Springs – 23 Geranium Street, Bakerton, Sister Khatijah, 08
Vryheid – 20 Edward Street, Fathima Dhooma, 083 785 5076, 034 980 8235
Zeerust – Ruqaya Bham 072 265 5663
Phase 2 will include a cash donation collection drive to assist in the transport and administration of the collected items.
We also intend to establish a pharmacy that will cater to the needs of the paralysed and a vehicle to transport their medication if resources permit.
Details on the second phase will be made available soon.