02 February 2017
It’s been a long preparation as the #Riding4SAEducation team prepares for their departure to the Musina border in the Limpopo province on Monday, 6 February 2017.
On Tuesday morning, the first leg of the bicycle journey of 3000km begins. Azhar Vadi will be joined by Zahir Pahad and technical assistant Ebrahim Essay in an epic attempt to raise awareness and funds to be used to uplift schools suffering with a lack of resources and infrastructure.
Thus far the campaign has steadily picked up momentum. Media outlooks and social networks have been keen for find out what exactly this all means and why are South Africans engaging in such a massive cycle challenge.
“It’s about being South African. About understanding and sharing the challenges we as a country face and about coming together to lend a helping hand,” said Azhar Vadi. “Basic education is the foundation for the upliftment of our country. We can work towards positive change here.”
As for Pahad, this is his first endurance ride. He will cover at least 600km riding alongside Vadi. “I must confess that I am a bit anxious about the distance, but we have trained hard and we will give our best shot. The point of it all is not exactly the ride but rather the cause.”
Salaam Foundation, the non-profit company under whose auspices the fund raising is being done, has worked hard along with Salaamedia in to help SA educationally. In 2016 they facilitated the drilling of 9 boreholes mostly in Limpopo schools with no water. Stationery was also given out this year to various schools and orphanages.
The final route has been calculated and differs slightly from the original plan due to logistics, time and demands from certain for the entourage to visit.
Shamsheer Khan, a director at Salaamedia and Salaam Foundation encouraged people to contribute to the unique and exciting South African project.
“South Africa is our home. We need to build it together. Join us and help make a difference now.”
Banking details:
Salaam Foundation
Bank: FNB
Acc No: 62669147665
Ref: Ride 4 Education (Lillah)
Salaam Foundation
Bank: Albaraka
Acc No: 786 001 80561
Branch: 80000
Ref: Ride 4 Education (zakaat)
Zakaat funds will be use appropriately in the educational field.