The Budget Speech analysis with Jezri Krinsky, Vice Chairperson of Rethinking Economics for Africa.
Shakeel Garada and Aqeel Wadee talk to Jezri Krinsky, Vice Chairperson of Rethinking Economics for Africa.
Wits Students’ Bioethics Society & forced sterilization of HIV patients.
Shakeel Garda and Aqeel Wadee talks to Dr Kgosi Letlape, an ophthalmologist and health care leader from South Africa and the current President of the Health Professions Council of South Africa as well as Javu Baloyi, spokesperson of Commission of Gender Equality and Neha Prag and Rical Moodley of the Wits Students’ Bioethics Society.
Social media and its effects on our self-perception and mental health.
Shakeel & Aqeel talks to Faraaz Abrahams, Juwairiah Jassat and Thaakir Dawood
Campus life, adapting to it and the National Conference.
Shakeel and Aqeel talks to Aasif Bulbulia, Azminah Jhetam and Aqeelah Hendrickse.
Travel, story telling and how can people control their own narrative.
Shakeel & Aqeel talks to Journalist Yusuf Omar.
Relationships in the Light of Islam – what happens before marriage?
Shakeel and Aqeel talks to Wasfeeya Al-Talib (Life coach and ARABIC & Quran student)
Travel stories – for work, for fun, and for the Gram.
Shakeel & Aqeel talk to to various people from the South African and international community talk about their travels to Asia, Africa, Europe and even locally for matric holidays or to see family!
Part 1
The current mental health and suicide crisis at Wits.
Shakeel and Aqeel talks to Thaakirah Savahl, DSG of wits SRC.
Young Muslims in South Africa.
Shakeel and Aqeel talks to Nazeer Jamal, nasheed artist and radio host.