By Humairaa Mayet
At present, illegally occupied Palestine is facing unprecedented challenges. Trapped between the Trump and Kushner Deal of the Century, the looming annexation of the West Bank, and the harrowing effects of Covid-19, Palestine is in unchartered territory as the illegitimate Israeli regime is gaining more international support than ever.
Israel attempts to legitimise its apartheid and settler-colonialist polices using various tactics, including pink-washing, art-washing, and recruiting notable personalities to further the Zionist agenda.
In an interview with the Jerusalem Post, an Israeli-based publication, South Africa’s Chief Justice, Mogoeng Mogoeng, affirmed his support for the apartheid state. The Chief Justice was joined by South Africa’s Chief Rabbi, Warren Goldstein; a staunch supporter of Zionism.
Remarks made by the Chief Justice were in support of the Israeli cause and showed a blatant disregard for Palestinian lives. South Africa has always been on the side of the Palestinians in their fight against Israeli ethnonationalism, and a prominent South African personality taking the side of Israel in this manner will most certainly have ripple effects and serious consequences.
Human rights groups and political parties have released statements showing their disdain toward the comments made and the stance taken by the Chief Justice.
The ANC – although it recognises the independence of the judiciary – expressed concern, condemned the Zionist regime, and deemed Israel’s annexation plans as “nothing more than a land grab and theft”.
The Chief Justice attempted to use Christian scripture to justify his stance, yet according to the South African Council of Churches (SACC), Christianity in no way advocates for Zionism or settler-colonialism. Furthermore, the SACC urged churches around the world to speak out against the annexation of the West Bank and Israel’s deeply problematic and right-wing politics which do not align with the Christian faith.
NADEL has released a brief stating that its members are “dismayed” at the remarks made by the Chief Justice and believe that what he had said in the interview violates the Constitution, a document that advocates for equality and human rights.
The South African BDS Coalition has also condemned the participation of the Chief Justice in the interview and called upon the Judicial Services Commission to investigate his actions and motives.
Many other organisations have come forth in support of the Palestinian cause in the hopes of Israel easing its brutal occupation of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and Palestinian territory at large.
Featured image via Twitter.