Written by: Zahid Jadwat
Stalwart journalist Tasneem Adams will move on to a new position at eTV Sport, after years of service to the Muslim community media industry at Voice of the Cape FM (VOCfm). Picture: Pexels.com
Stalwart journalist Tasneem Adams will move on to a position at eTV Sport, after years of service to the Muslim community media industry at Voice of the Cape FM (VOCfm).
Adams said that she expects one of her biggest challenges in the new chapter of her career to be the technical aspects of television. She said: “With radio, it’s a lot easier because you’re only dealing with audio and sound. Editing can be quite easy for somebody that’s never learnt the technical aspects of radio so, for me, that’s the challenge I foresee.”
After beginning her career as an online journalist in 2006, Adams soon took up a position as newsreader and later became a radio presenter.
For the last ten years, however, Adams served as News Editor at Voice of the Cape FM.
Reflecting on her career thus far, Adams noted that community radio has a special connection with its audience.
She said: “What makes radio stand apart from others is that you have a close connection with your listener as opposed to print media and TV, where there is a little bit of a disconnect.”
Speaking about the highlights of her career, Adams said that covering human interest stories has been her passion.
“As much as I love controversial issues – things that make people talk – it’s always human interest stories because everyone has a story to tell.”
Watch the full interview here: