Home PodcastInayet Wadee Raising Funds For Prosthetics. “My wish is only to be able to walk again”, said Faried Waggie

Raising Funds For Prosthetics. “My wish is only to be able to walk again”, said Faried Waggie

by Thaabit Kamaar

The Practical Journey NPC has launched a campaign to raise funds to acquire prosthetic legs for Mogamat Faried Waggie.

In 2019, Waggie had to undergo an operation after an artery burst in his heart. The doctor advised doing the procedure as he was bleeding out. After that, he was in a coma and woke up roughly three months later.

The doctors informed his wife his lower legs had to be amputated due to the burst artery in his heart. His blood flow in his legs did not contain sufficient oxygen to be transported back to his brain.

The lack of blood supply infected both his legs with gangrene, and to save his life, in his stead, his wife decided to have his legs amputated.

How It Affected His Life

Waggie recalls the moment he awoke from his coma. He was devastated and wanted to know exactly why his legs had been amputated. He adds that it was difficult to comprehend the situation back then, as his whole life was about to change due to the bilateral amputation.

“I went ballistic. I started pulling out the pipes … I was on a ventilator, and I pulled out the ventilator pipes. When I pulled out the ventilator pipes, the doctors realised that I can’t breathe. They came to the conclusion that I needed a permanent pacemaker put in so that I can breathe on my own. As I’m saying that, it was difficult for me and for my family.”

Waggie said until today, he finds it difficult to handle the situation. He has always been a healthy guy, the provider and protector of his family, and now he cannot do that. However, he is grateful to the Almighty that he is healthy and has a second chance at life.

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His Dream to Walk Again

Last year, Waggie was cleared by the heart clinic and declared fit for prosthesis. However, the prosthetics, including the physiotherapy required, will cost approximately R140 000.

“My wish is only to be able to walk again and to be the happy young man that I’ve always been. To take care of my family, that is my wish. I sit on my [prayer mat], asking Allah to make it easy for me. To make me walk again.”

The Practical Journey NPC appeals for any monetary donations which will assist in getting the prosthetics for Faried Waggie and all the assistance he needs to walk again.


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