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Witnessing Qurbani: Deepening spiritual connection and fulfilling Sunnah

by Luqmaan Rawat
It is important for us to partake in our Qurbani so long as it does not break the rules of Allah (SWT) Photo Ummah Welfare Trust

World – The blessed day of Qurbani is almost upon us. With just a few days to go, everything is ready. Plans have already been made and everyone is excited to go to the farm. While performing Qurbani is a fundamental act of faith, it is equally essential for Muslims to witness Qurbani and participate in it.

While it is generally advised for people to participate in the slaughtering or witnessing their animals being slaughtered, one must also adhere to laws of Allah (SWT), explained Mufti Ubaidullah Ebrahim. Many families will be going to various farms and while the women folk are encouraged to have an active role in their Qurbani, it must not be that it breaks the commands of Allah (SWT).

“It is part of the Sunnah for a person or a woman to do her own Qurbani providing that the laws of hijab/pardah are upheld. If her family is busy slaughtering at home, she should be there. She should not now go out to a gathering where there are men to watch her Qurbani. This will not be correct. Yes, a woman should watch her animal being slaughtered but if she cannot do so, the environment is not conducive towards it then there will be nothing wrong with her not being there for the Qurbani.”

What is of concern is that it is becoming very common for the male folk to purchase a sheep and allow the farm to slaughter, skin and deliver the meat to them. This is not the Sunnah way of doing it and it is best for a man to slaughter his own animal.

Hazrat Ali (RA) narrates that Nabi (SAW) said to Fatimah (RA): “Oh Fatimah, stand and be present at the time when your animal is being sacrificed, for all your sins will be forgiven when the first drop of blood falls to the ground. Verily it will come with its blood and its meat, and it will be placed on the scale of deeds and multiplied 70 times. (Targheeb)

With regards to the above Hadith, Mufti Ebrahim explained the reward is not reliant on the person being there to witness their animal being slaughtered. That has its own reward which Allah (SWT) will grant a person according to how He (SWT) wants to.


Making Qurbani overseas or in a different area

It was narrated from ’Aishah (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said: “The son of Adam does not do any deed on the Day of Sacrifice that is dearer to Allah than shedding blood. It will come on the Day of Resurrection with its horns and cloven hoofs and hair. Its blood is accepted by Allah before it reaches the ground. So be content when you do it.” (Sunan Ibn Majah 3126)

It has become the habit of various people to send their Qurbani to other countries. It is often seen as the more affordable and cheaper option. Due to this, one may feel that they will lose out on the rewards given to one who makes his own Qurbani. However, this is not the case for the one who does it out of necessity.

“A sheep here might cost R3000. People do not have R3000 laying around. The reality is most people are not stingy or trying to save money, but they don’t have that kind of money. In order to partake of Qurbani, they do it overseas. In this situation, where if you had the money and the means you would have done it here, Allah (SWT) is well aware of what your intentions are. Thus, you will get the reward of having viewed your animal and taken part in the Qurbani. It is just that you don’t have the means and Allah (SWT) knows the condition of the heart better than anyone else does.”

However, if one is sending their Qurbani away because they don’t want anything to do with it, in such a case, warned Mufti Ebrahim, a person will not be rewarded. This is due to a person having the means, the capability of performing his own Qurbani but still he refuses to do so.

Abu Hurayrah (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: “Whoever can afford it but does not offer a sacrifice, let him not come near our prayer place.” (Ibn Maajah)

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Hemophobia and having a kind heart towards animals

Witnessing the act of Qurbani firsthand serves as a powerful reminder of the historical event that unfolded centuries ago. By immersing oneself in the process, Muslims are able to connect with the noble sacrifice made by the Prophet Ibrahim and his unwavering commitment to Allah (SWT) commands. However, a person may have hemophobia (a fear of blood) or they might find it hard to watch an animal being slaughtered. While these conditions exist, it is important for one to try their best to overcome them.

“Sometimes people can get over a phobia, sometimes they can’t. When someone is soft towards animals then start with a smaller animal. Maybe slaughter a chicken or pluck it. You have to start somewhere and that is how you will overcome that and thus you will be able to slaughter your own animal. The reality is that women should be able to slaughter as the women in the past did. If a person has a phobia or they cannot see the animals being slaughtered, if they have this intention and make Dua to Allah (SWT) to help them overcome these obstacles, they will get their reward.”

However, if one doesn’t make any effort, they don’t have any intention to change then the person will not attain the reward.

It was narrated that Zaid bin Arqam (RA) said: “The Companions of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, what are these sacrifices?’ He said: ‘The Sunnah of your father Ibrahim.’ They said: ‘What is there for us in them, O Messenger of Allah?’ He said: ‘For every hair, one merit.’ They said: ‘What about wool, O Messenger of Allah?’ He said: ‘For every hair of wool, one merit.’” (Sunan Ibn Majah 3127)

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