Home PodcastInayet Wadee Ferial Haffejee: Championing South Africa’s Free Media and Strong Institutions

Ferial Haffejee: Championing South Africa’s Free Media and Strong Institutions

by Thaabit Kamaar

Photo Instagram / @artby.aiesha

South Africa – We frequently encounter various media outlets, political analysts, and observers describing South Africa as a nation facing severe challenges. Often labelling the Rainbow Nation as a failed state or one teetering on the brink of collapse.

There is an undeniable recognition of the precarious situation the country finds itself in, given the state of its State-Owned Enterprises, issues with service delivery, and the numerous nationwide difficulties. Additionally, the uncontrollable corruption which has significantly impacted all levels of society.

Nevertheless, Ferial Haffejee, the Associate Editor at the Daily Maverick, contends that despite these formidable challenges, South Africa is not without safeguards which prevents it from succumbing to complete collapse. These safeguards include a free press, a robust judiciary, and “the charitable instincts of all South Africans”.

“The media is often criticised, but it has higher trust levels than perhaps political forces and political institutions like Parliament and like the Executive. I think our media, our free media, along with our Judiciary and our civil society, are the things that will keep our country on track and ensure that we don’t become this form that many people have begun to write about, and that is a failed State. Because we have these strong institutions, it’ll be our protection in the long run.”

Overcoming Bias and Stereotypes in the Media Industry

Throughout Haffejee’s distinguished career, she has assumed leadership roles in renowned media organisations such as the Mail & Guardian, City Press, and currently, her position at the Daily Maverick.

Despite her notable professional achievements, Haffejee’s career was not without obstacles. Reflecting on specific incidents, she revealed, she faced periods of criticism, stereotypes, and Islamophobic remarks.

Rather than allowing these challenges to impact her negatively, Haffejee persevered and uncovered wisdom in these comments, particularly those from her community.

“Of course, those things make you think quite deeply. But I’ve always found that at the same time, you’ll find great wisdom in the community to help you on your way to put you on the right track.”

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The Pleasure of Watching Women Rise in the Media Industry

Haffejee noted it is awe-inspiring to witness the increasing number of young women assuming leadership roles and confidently establishing their presence within the media industry. This is especially noteworthy because she was among the few Muslim women and women of colour in the field during the early stages of her career. While she enjoys observing this transformation, Haffejee offers valuable advice to these inspiring women.

She encourages them to strike a balance in their lives. Haffejee emphasises the significance of having the support of both their families and communities as they navigate their professional journeys.

“If there’s one caution I would give is to exercise your voice and be rooted in your community, but perhaps what I didn’t get quite right is the balance. To realise that family and community are vital aspects of being human. Keeping that balance is really important. I haven’t always done it successfully. Now, later in life, I realise how crucial that is to your ability to be human and practise Ubuntu.”

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