Home PodcastJulie Alli SA daycare centres unite for Palestine

SA daycare centres unite for Palestine

by Luqmaan Rawat
The poster made by the daycare

South Africa – The world is witnessing the genocidal events unfolding in Palestine, leaving hearts heavy and minds restless. Amidst the turmoil, a group of dedicated individuals from Johannesburg have emerged, spearheading an initiative to educate, raise awareness, instil a sense of justice and empathy in the hearts of young minds.

The story begins with Faragnaaz Ernest, the compassionate soul behind this  initiative. Deeply moved by the plight of the Palestinian people, Ernest decided to take action. Rooted in her family and marriage, her passion for the Palestinian cause led her to unite with like-minded daycare centres in her area. Together, they envisioned a project that would not only educate but also inspire empathy in the young generation.

“[The atrocities in Gaza] it’s been escalating for years but on the 7th of October when things really got to a point where you can seriously say now we are sad, we are worried and we are concerned for what is happening over on the other side of the world, I decided to get together with a few other daycares in the area. I put the message out there and I got a response from Teenie Rockets Educare, My School Islamic Educare Center, Smart Kids Montessori Daycare [among others]. We decided that we were going to do a Palestine week. So each daycare did their little activities for the week. They all did little things with their kids and on the Friday of the 20th we decided to make it a big thing.”

Each daycare did their own activities and it was shared on their WhatsApp group called the Palestine “Littles” awareness campaign. The core objective of this initiative was to make young children aware of the disparities in the world and foster a sense of empathy. Children participated in activities which were designed to help them comprehend the concepts of justice, fairness, and love for humanity. By sharing age-appropriate information and avoiding graphic visuals, the educators sensitised the children to the struggles faced by their counterparts in Palestine.

“We basically wanted to make kids aware that we, our children in South Africa and all over the world, are so fortunate. They are fortunate to get the education that they get, we are fortunate to be able to teach them what we are teaching them but when they grow up one day, they need to look back and understand the difference between justice and injustice. Be able to understand that there are children out there that don’t have what they have. So for us to be able to bring this awareness out and to teach our kids about this is very important.”


Sustaining the momentum

Earnest, her voice breaking with heartache, emphasised the profound importance of this initiative’s continuity. Her words, choked with emotion, underlined the enduring power of continuous awareness efforts. She highlighted the immense impact young voices can wield, shaping public opinion and fervently advocating for justice.

“I think it has a really good effect, a big effect when it’s little kids doing. It has a more and better impact when our own small kids understand it. What I would like to say is that people must not stop posting. Don’t stop posting, don’t stop creating awareness because it is important.”

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