By Humairaa Mayet
Conspiracy theories surrounding Covid-19 are spreading almost as quickly as the virus itself, and many of them blame 5G – or fifth-generation wireless data network – for the transmission, and in some cases, even the origin of the virus. These theories have resulted in the burning of 5G towers in England and Netherlands, and have given rise to skepticism and mistrust directed towards mobile network corporations.
Journalist at IT Africa News, Luis Monzon, discussed his article titled ‘5 Reasons Why 5G Has Nothing to do with COVID-19’ with Salaamedia’s Azhar Vadi on The Alternative View.
Monzon explained that 5G is simply an improved version of its predecessor, 4G, and cannot influence the spread of coronavirus.
Followers of this conspiracy claim that Wuhan, China was the first city in the world to implement 5G and that the 5G towers were the cause of the coronavirus.
“This is untrue,” said Monzon, “because South Korea was the first country to have 5G. Furthermore, countries that have no 5G, such as Iran, are seeing an abundance of Covid-19 cases, therefore disproving the theory.”
The radio waves emitted by 5G are “non-ionising”. Simply put, this means that waves carrying 5G cannot alter DNA and create or assist in the transmission of a virus.
There is no evidence to support the claim that 5G electromagnetic signals can influence the spread of Covid-19, stated Monzon.
“In fact, 5G is helping people during the coronavirus outbreak. With a fast internet connection – such as the one provided by 5G – e-learning, video conferences, and many other necessities required when schooling or working from home will be made easier.”
Monzon added: “Just as with other generations of wireless data network, 5G too is regulated by standards in order to protect people from the potential harmful effects. 5G has been deemed as harmless and it has been determined that it cannot possibly influence the spread of Covid-19.”
Listen to the full discussion here:
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