By Humairaa Mayet
As Libya undergoes civil strife, factionalism, and radicalism, it is clear that African solutions are indeed required.
Fragmented and factionalised, Libya can easily be classified as one of the most unstable states in the world today. International and regional powers have their claws in the country, yet it is clear that none of these foreign protagonists have the ability to bring peace to Libya.
Member of Parliament and South Africa’s former ambassador to Libya, Muhammad Dangor, spoke to Salaamedia this morning.
The North African country is pervaded by instability and insecurity, and interference by world powers is only worsening the situation. Dangor stressed the fact that Western countries would simply be unable to offer a resolution to the conflict underway in Libya and said that “African problems require African solutions”.
Libya is plagued by a resource curse: the country is rich in oil and natural gas, especially along the Mediterranean coastline, and all countries surrounding the sea are competing for control of these. With a population of only 6.5 million, Libya profits greatly off its natural resources.
“Every city has got a militia,” stated Dangor, and insecurity is on the rise ever since the NATO-sanctioned uprising. Instability is bred as terrorist organisations flourish in the region and jihadists are born.
As Libya undergoes civil strife, factionalism, and radicalism, it is clear that African solutions are indeed required.
Listen to the full discussion below:
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