Home News How to Cultivate Gratitude and Combat Envy in the Age of Comparison

How to Cultivate Gratitude and Combat Envy in the Age of Comparison

by Thaabit Kamaar
Image Source: Psychology Today

Johannesburg – Social media has seamlessly integrated into our daily routines in the 21st century’s interconnected digital landscape. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok facilitate connections with friends and the opportunity to expand our social circles.

Furthermore, these platforms enable us to share the moments and highlights of our lives with others while also keeping us abreast of trends, news, and current events in real-time.

However, alongside its benefits, social media can inadvertently trigger negative emotions such as envy and resentment. Our posts, albeit unintentionally, can profoundly affect other users and people.

This is particularly evident when we encounter meticulously curated images or videos shared by individuals online or within our social circles, showcasing their health journeys, exotic vacations, academic or professional accomplishments, or the joys of their relationships and family life.

Acknowledge that these people are merely sharing cherished moments or milestones they’ve reached. Yet, the challenge arises when viewers internalise these posts, using them as benchmarks for their own lives, often leading to feelings of inadequacy or jealousy.

As a result, social media often becomes a breeding ground for comparison, leaving many feeling unhappy, disheartened, or even depressed. Remember that societal norms tend to magnify successes while minimising the challenges and failures encountered along the way.

Therefore, when jealousy or envy arises because of a post or a possession, it’s important to reflect on our emotions and realise that they are natural human responses. However, how we respond to these emotions is paramount, as they can manifest in various ways, either positively or negatively.

Rather than allowing jealousy to consume us, fuel insecurities, and breed resentment, we should strive to use it as motivation. By channelling its negative potential into something beneficial and positive for ourselves, we can transcend the comparison trap and focus on our personal growth and achievements.

How Do We Transform Envy into Something Positive?

Islam teaches us that jealousy is a character trait which undermines someone’s inherent goodness. Acting upon this negative impulse can lead to various forms of sin and profoundly affect their physical, psychological, and emotional well-being.

Frequently, succumbing to envy and fixating on what we lack blind us to the privileges and blessings we already possess, exacerbating our negative emotions even further.

To overcome this, Ashraf Gangrekar from the Africa Muslims Agency advises us to maintain humility, as humbleness counters ego and jealousy.

Instead of comparing ourselves to unrealistic standards, we should look to good-hearted individuals who inspire us to evolve, learn, and become better versions of ourselves. By doing so, we promote growth and avoid the pitfalls of envy and dissatisfaction.

“Be grateful for what you have and compare yourselves not with those who have more but with those who have less. In this process of awakening and consciousness, it’s my contention that this nasty and bad feeling of envy diminishes and is removed from our lives completely. So that our good deeds are not destroyed the way fire destroys wood, but watered and nurtured by the flow of positive energy.”

It is crucial to remember that emotional reactions like envy and jealousy are natural aspects of human experience. By normalising and acknowledging these feelings, we disarm their power over us.

Furthermore, cultivating gratitude is essential. Instead of dwelling on our shortcomings, we should focus on our blessings, such as our personal achievements, the love and support of family and friends, and the simple joys in life.

Being compassionate toward ourselves is also vital. Each person’s journey, experiences, and values are unique, making comparisons unfair and unproductive. Comparing apples and oranges is like comparing apples and oranges—each has its own worth, and one cannot be defined by the other.

Above all, kindness toward others is paramount. Rather than giving in to envy when we witness someone else’s success, we should celebrate their achievements and genuinely be happy for them. Let’s offer them our best wishes, encourage and support them, and share their joy.

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