Home PodcastJulie Alli Discovering the Profound Experience of Hajj with Mohammed Khota

Discovering the Profound Experience of Hajj with Mohammed Khota

by Thaabit Kamaar

Performing Hajj holds immense significance for many Muslims, representing a lifelong aspiration and profound desire. This anticipation builds up over numerous years, if not decades, as individuals diligently save money, meticulously plan, and patiently await the chance to fulfil this religious obligation.

The build-up of anticipation surrounding Hajj is an experience deeply cherished by Muslims. It is a time filled with excitement as millions worldwide prepare for the extraordinary opportunity to visit the revered cities in the Islamic world.

Mohammed Khota, the CEO of K-Way Institute, currently situated in Medina, expressed his feelings about being in the city and being in the presence of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as “incredible” and “surreal.” This is particularly noteworthy as he had previously postponed this journey not just once but twice.

“Until last week, we still [weren’t] bitten by that bug, and I was actually worried … [I wondered] what was happening and if something was wrong with me. I think it was all the anticipation, excitement and anxiety … But yesterday we got an opportunity to go to the [area where pilgrims pay their respects to the Prophet], and the minute you enter [God] just puts that tear in your eyes … It’s a very emotional experience.”

Accompanied by his wife, sister, and her husband, Khota embarked on this year’s pilgrimage. Despite the exhaustion from the first leg of their journey, he mentioned that, like countless others, they are making the most of the chance to rest and engage in plentiful prayers while in Medina.

As Khota prepares to leave the second holiest city in the Islamic world later this week, he regrets not having spent more time in Medina. Nevertheless, this disappointment gives way to a distinct form of anticipation as he eagerly awaits the fulfilment of the Hajj rituals in Makkah.

Challenging Weather Conditions

Besides the weariness caused by their journey, pilgrims will also face the challenge of enduring extreme weather conditions, with temperatures in Saudi Arabia soaring up to 40°C. To cope with this, Khota guided incoming pilgrims, advising them to seek shelter indoors during the hottest hours of the day and ensure they stayed well-hydrated.

“Keep hydrated, keep hydrated. Keep your bottles [filled] and keep your hydration with you. Keep snacking all the time, and you’ll be okay.”

The hardships encountered during Hajj are regarded as tests of faith and an avenue for individual growth. They allow pilgrims to cultivate resilience, patience, and a profound unity with fellow believers in the face of adversity.

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Differing Experiences Between Hajj and Umrah

Khota said he went on Umrah in 2015, and the difference between Hajj and Umrah cannot be compared in scale and significance.

“It’s absolutely unbelievable. I never thought I’d get to see the holy lands. I’ve been for Umrah, but the feeling between Umrah … And Hajj is absolutely different.”

While performing Umrah, there is still some flexibility when visiting the sacred sites. However, as the number of pilgrims in Medina grows during the Hajj period, this task becomes increasingly challenging.

Recalling previous engagements with fellow pilgrims, Khota described the prevailing atmosphere among the people as a blend of anticipation and apprehension.

“We’re just very anxious. Everybody is very anxious about what Makkah holds because, in Makkah, it is going to be ten times the crowd.”

Hajj is undeniably marked by immense sacrifices made by millions of Muslims. The act of leaving their homes and families behind is a sacrifice they willingly undertake with the sole purpose of fulfilling their religious obligation.

Regrettably, Khota conveyed the news of his father’s current condition in the intensive care unit (ICU), and he earnestly appealed to Muslim communities to pray for his father’s well-being. He also requests prayers for the families of those who embarked on the Hajj journey, knowing they have left their homes behind.


Watch the full discussion here.

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