12 February 2018
After a comfortable night’s rest in Polokwane, the #Riding4SAeducation team headed to the Nirvana Primary School. Ml Dawood Ndlovu of the Al Ihya Foundation addressed the eager Grade 7 learners and thereafter the team handed over a complete netball kit and two soccer balls to the school. The joy in the eyes of the young netball players was evident for all to see. It’s amazing how sport can influence a young person’s life.
Salaam Foundation gave a commitment to the school to continue supporting their sports department. The young boys requested assistance in the form of a cricket set. Perhaps you would like to assist in this regard. Send an email to mia@salaamedia.com for details.
The head of operations at Frimax Foods in Polokwane, Basheer Gani, also visited the start off as the official sponsor of the journey. 500 packets of Frimax crisp were handed to the school learners for their enjoyment.
The team then moved on to the first real cycle challenge of the trip, a 56km ride to Mokopane. We were accompanied by Naeem Sonpra and two young riders from Polokwane. The ride was pretty flat with a steep climb about 20km out of Mokopane followed by a very fast downhill into the town.
We were welcomed by the management of the Oasis Hotel Mokopane and learners from Thorntree Preparatory School. The Essack family saw to every need of the riders, from food to accommodation and beyond making sure we were as comfortable as possible.
The amazing hospitality was followed up with a visit to the Mokopane Madressah where we met community activist Sajida Baksa and Yacoob Loonat. The learners eagerly listened to the importance of serving the people of South Africa and humanity at large. The evening ended with a talk at the local mosque and a call for contributions to the education project.
The next stop is Modimolle, a gruelling 96km away. It will be a real test for the riders and we hope they will come through with flying colours. This physical exertion is not without purpose. We call on you to support us. Make a donation to:
Account: Salaam Foundation
Bank: FNB
Account no: 62669147665
Branch: 250737
Reference: education (lillah/zakaat).